Thursday, October 9, 2014

Video: Frank Fontana's Painting Tips from Our WGN TV Appearance

Enjoy this great little video clip from our WGN TV appearance with Frank Fontana.

Frank’s Tips: 

Create the illusion of an expensive lower wall without breaking the bank by using blue painters tape to create a dramatic line. Paint lines with a semi-gloss white paint.

A great secret tip of the trades is to create a design, draw it out and tape the edges. Apply a dead flat varnish to seal the edges so that when you pull the painters tape off your design will have a straight edge with no paint bleeding. You can use the dead flat varnish to help create any wall design with paint to help give that professionally painted look.

Chalkboard paint is a hot trend. The paint is a good way to personalize your walls instead of using picture frames.  Create something unique and write inspirational quotes or have your children write things that make them happy.

Use two different types of paint to add texture (plaster look), shimmer or a fun pop of color to your walls and instantly create a new look.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Online Show Program - Event Reference Guide

The full show program from the September 2014 Old House New House Home Show is available online for the first time in our show's history.  Click here to download the full 26 page PDF.  Enjoy money saving offers and exclusive ads from Chicagoland's leading Home Improvement Show.      630.515.1160

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bright Ideas – Exploring Renewable Energy with Norman Johnson

Norman Johnson of  I-R-E
I have always been a pretty GREEN person, with litter being my number one nemesis. After working for 25 years as an electrician, some life changes caused me to re-evaluate how the balance of my career would be spent.  During that process, information about renewables, solar in particular, seemed to keep popping up in front of me.  News stories, magazine articles and web content started to fuel my curiosity.  After catching up with the technical aspects and learning that the industry as a whole was at its very beginnings, interest increased.  With a solid electrical construction background, there was a comfort level with how the systems are put together, so in June of 2010 we opened for business as Independence Renewable Energy LLC.

Renewable energy is comprised of five principal sources: solar (known as photo-voltaic or PV,) wind, moving water, biomass and heat from inside the earth. These forms of energy are continually replenished, as long as the sun continues to shine.  Fossil fuels, such as oil, coal and natural gas are finite sources, which will eventually be depleted or become too expensive or damaging to retrieve.

To begin an adventure into renewable energy, first start by becoming more efficient. The less energy you consume, the more you will increase the value of any renewable energy system.  There are fun solar powered toys and cell phone chargers that are great ways to see that the technology really works.  An amazing thing about most renewables, solar in particular, is that it’s scalable and expandable. Consumers can start with a relatively small system with an eye toward adding on in the future.

Avoid pitfalls by researching and comparing options.  In renewable, one size most certainly does not fit all.  Quality equipment and proper installation methods are most important.  Renewables are now a worldwide industry with components being sourced from all over.  Be sure there is a good warranty backed by a manufacturer that has a history, and will be around to honor any issues.  Insist on an installer that is qualified.  In any large growth industry, you will find companies that “add on” a service in an effort to increase revenues.  Renewables are no exception.  In many areas, codes are still catching up to the growth. Look for an installer that is willing to educate, not just sell. 

Investigate the tax incentives currently available to homeowners.  There is a 30% federal tax credit on the entire installed cost of a system.  Illinois has a cyclical rebate program that can reach up to 25% of the installed cost.  REC (Renewable Energy Credit) sales are coming to Illinois in 2015.  There is a great resource that tracks these programs.

Visit, a one-stop, renewable energy incentive website.

The future of renewable energy is limitless!  So much of the planet is years ahead of us with implementation of renewables.  In our country, the Midwest is lagging behind the coasts, but we are catching up fast.  With wind, solar, hydro, bio-mass and more, there are numerous types of renewables, each with a place in our world.  Reduce energy costs and your carbon footprint, and make our planet a brighter place.  Enough energy from the sun hits the earth in one hour to provide all the world’s power for an entire year.  The answer to our energy needs is truly over our heads.

Download the full I-R-E article from the September 2014 Old House New House Home Show Program, click here.

For more information, visit with Norman Johnson in the Independence Renewable Energy Booth, #530 or on-line at