Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Dates Set for the 34th Annual Old House New House Home Show

Spring Event Sparks Ideas with New Trends, Expert Tips and Inspiration for Homeowners

February 9 – 10 – 11, 2018

The largest, longest-running and most innovative home show returns to Pheasant Run Resort, 4051 E. Main Street in St Charles, Illinois February 9 – 10 – 11, 2018.
Since 1984, The Old House New House Home Show has been bringing together an outstanding roster of 300 select participants featuring award-winning contractors, talented designers, national brands, creative craftsmen, trade specialists and industry leaders.
An audience of 10,000 homeowners is expected to visit this weekend celebration of home improvement, remodeling and renovation.  The Mega Center and Ballroom both will be brimming and bustling with engaging displays with the latest products and services in home living, design, decor, surfaces and building materials.
Explore fresh ideas for kitchens, baths, basements, additions, new construction, carpentry, architecture, landscaping, renewable energy, home automation, savvy storage, painting, tile, roofing, waterproofing, insulation, fireplaces, custom closets, window treatments, heating and air, windows, doors, flooring and more.

February 9 – 10 – 11, 2018

Show hours are Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 5 pm.  Tickets are available at the door or in advance on Event Brite. Adult admission is $7.  Senior admission (over 62) is $4.  Children under 18 attend free.  Parking is free.  Daily design workshops are included with admission.
A portion of the ticket proceeds benefits partner philanthropy, The Habitat for Humanity of Northern Fox Valley and their ReStores in Elgin and Chicago.
Visit or call 630/515-1160 for more details.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Home Show Featured Recipe: Tomato Soup

Enjoy our Featured Recipe - Tomato Soup
Submitted by Joanne Kennedy

•   2 lbs of fresh, loosely chopped tomatoes (I don’t peel my tomatoes, but to cut down the acidity you can.)
•   2 large carrots peeled and chopped
•   1 large onion loosely chopped
•   3 cloves of garlic, peeled and whole but broken open with the flat side of a knife
•   2 – 4 tbls olive oil
•   5 fresh basil leaves or a pinch of dried basil
•   1 sprig of fresh oregano (leaves only) or a pinch of dried oregano
•   A pinch of red chili pepper flakes
•   A pinch of nutmeg
•   2 cups of chicken or vegetable stock
•   Salt and pepper to taste
* If you prefer a creamy texture, you can add 1 cup heavy cream (half and half, whole milk or almond milk can be used as substitute depending on taste and dietary needs.) Enjoy!

On medium-high heat, place olive oil in a large pan.  When hot add garlic to infuse the oil with garlic flavor.  Add onions and turn down heat to medium.  Add carrots and sauté until onions are soft and a little caramelized.  Add chopped tomatoes.  Sauté for a few minutes and then add chicken stock, chili flakes, nutmeg, basil and oregano.  Simmer on medium heat then take off heat for a few minutes.  Transfer soup to a Vitamix or blender.  Blend on low and drizzle a little bit of really good olive oil to emulsify.  Add salt and pepper to taste and garnish with basil or a drizzle of olive oil and crumbled goat cheese. My family likes this soup best served with a grilled cheese sandwich.
You can also roast the tomatoes, carrots, onions and garlic for a richer and deeper flavor.  To roast, preheat oven to 375.  Toss the tomatoes, carrots, onions and garlic with olive oil salt and pepper in a baking sheet with a rim and roast for 45 minutes.  Pour the vegetables and stock into a Vitamix or blender and continue with directions above.

The Old House New House Home Show returns to Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, IL. Join us Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10 am – 5pm, February 10 – 11 – 12, 2017.
Explore the latest in kitchens, baths, basements, additions, landscaping, painting, windows, tile, flooring, doors and more. Discover 300 select contractors, designers & craftsmen.
Enjoy Inspiring Workshops:
  • Sherwin-Williams Color Forecast 11 am Friday
  • Live Broadcast with WGN’s Mr. Fix-It, Lou Manfredini 7-10 am Saturday
  • Meet Lou Manfredini in the Perma-Seal Booth 10:15-11:15 Saturday
  • Design Your Dream Kitchen 1 pm Daily
  • Beautiful Bathrooms 2 pm Daily
  • Decorating Style School with The DIY Playbook Noon Sunday
Adults $7 • Seniors $4 • Children Free • Parking Free
A portion of ticket proceeds benefits The Habitat for Humanity of Northern Fox Valley.
The Old House New House Home Show at Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

2017 Event Guide Preview - St. Charles, IL Home Show at Pheasant Run Resort

The Old House New House Home Show Returns to St. Charles this Weekend with the Latest in Home Improvements!

Join us Friday, Saturday & Sunday
February 10 - 11 - 12, 2017

Click here to download our full 2017 home show event guide!

Explore the latest in remodeling, renovation, building and repair at The Old House New House® Home Show. We research and recruit hundreds of quality companies to participate and display top-notch products and cutting-edge services. Gather fresh ideas, expert advice and creative solutions to tackle home improvement projects with ease.

View our workshops & attractions »

Save $1 off adult admission »

Since 1977, the Kennedy family has been carefully crafting and presenting quality events, including The Old House New House® Home Show at Pheasant Run Resort. Kennedy Productions consistently delivers an unparalleled event once a year, bringing together thousands of interested homeowners and hundreds of select home improvement professionals. This hard working, practical staff of bright and creative women researches and selects top-notch companies offering cutting-edge products and superior services.

The Original Chicagoland Home Expo Returns: The Old House New House Home Show at Pheasant Run Resort, St. Charles, IL.

Every effort is made to provide a reliable home enhancement resource that attracts, excites, informs and inspires homeowners to tackle their projects with ease. Kennedy Productions events are characterized by an astute attention to detail, outstanding client service, creative innovation, and enthusiastic energy. Company President, Joanne Kennedy shares, “These first-class, quality events are a great resource. We truly enjoy helping our clients grow their business.”

For more information, call 630-515-1160

Thursday, January 26, 2017

DIY Playbook - featured St. Charles Home Show Workshop & Attraction

Where did you meet one another?

We grew up in the same hometown in a suburb of Chicago and attended the same high school. With our maiden names both starting with the letter “O” our lockers ended up being right next to one another, which allowed us to get to know each other right away. We quickly became close friends and our friendship has only grown over the past 15 years.

When did you realize that you shared a propensity and curiosity for DIY projects?

We’ve always enjoyed creative projects and in high school would get together to scrapbook and puffy paint t-shirts for pep rallies (yes, big nerds all the way!). That love for crafting continued as we went off to college and over summer breaks, we would craft so we could add personal touches to our dorm rooms. After graduation, we were both decorating our first apartments and we didn’t have a lot of money. In order to create cozy spaces we turned to DIY projects to get the look we wanted for less! So creativity has always been at the core of our friendship, and as adults it blossomed into a propensity for DIY projects.

How did The DIY Playbook come to be?

When decorating our first homes, we enjoyed searching flea markets and antique stores to find the perfect, budget-friendly pieces for our spaces. Many of those finds needed a little TLC, so we got into painting furniture and putting our own personal touch on our purchases. We loved showing off our latest DIY projects to one another, as well as our family and friends, and figured the best way to do that was via the internet. That’s when we decided to start a blog. It started as a place to document our DIY projects, and over the past 4 years it has turned into a popular website with readers all over the world.

How did your design eye develop?  Did you always tinker with tools or is this a new adventure?

We’ve always considered ourselves to be “creatives” but had absolutely no skills with power tools, painting, or DIY in general. Everything we’ve learned has been self-taught, mostly through trial and error! A lot of research goes into all of our projects, but we really learn the most just by doing. Five years ago we didn’t even know what a miter saw was, now we use ours on a regular basis!

Describe the homes you live in… and the homes you grew up in? Did the homes you grew up in influence your current preferences and styles?

While our homes are different, we share a similar design aesthetic. We adore neutrals, and really bring a space to life with plants, texture and items that are important to us. At the core of The DIY Playbook is a mission for everyone’s home to tell their story. That’s why we feel it is so important to inject personal touches into your home, which can be done by incorporating family heirlooms, photos, or quirky collections that help tell your unique story.

Our homes growing up certainly influenced our design style, most noticeably because we both grew up in homes that were very warm, welcoming, and always full of family and friends. That’s the feeling we strive to inject into each of our current homes.

Casey, how does your education play into The DIY Playbook?

I went to the University of Notre Dame studying Journalism, Film, & Television. I started my career as a TV news reporter and since then have held many jobs within the media, production, and television world. I’ve always had a love for writing and storytelling, and that is a big reason why I love blogging so much. It gives me a chance to tell stories every day and connect with a global audience.

Bridget, where did you go to school and what did you study?  How has that influenced your work with The DIY Playbook?

I went to Eastern Illinois University and studied Family and Consumer Sciences and Secondary Education. Combining the two, I was extremely fortunate to start my career as a Family & Consumer Sciences teacher at the high school where we both attended. Being able to take classes in college and then work in a position that encouraged creativity continuously reminded me of how much I loved to be creative. That passion for creativity morphed into a passion for DIY projects and was very influential in the birth of The DIY Playbook.

I love the concept of your homes as the test-labs for new products and projects.  Have you ever had a misstep or snafu?  What happens… or does it ever happen when the wheels come off the cart?

Oh my goodness...YES! We’ve had plenty of failed projects and we’ve documented them on the blog. At the end of the day, we are not licensed contractors or trained interior designers. Instead we’re regular gals just trying to create homes that we love, which means we make mistakes all the time. But that’s how we learn and improve, so we’re always open to trying a project…even if it isn’t a success on the first try. And it’s these “rookie mistakes” that help us reinforce to our readers that we are not professionals and instead, are average homeowners trying to create homes that we love one project at a time.

Are your husbands handy?  Do they ever participate in projects or have opinions on home decorating?

This is a commonly asked question on The DIY Playbook. And no, our husbands are not all. But while we do the handy-work around the home, they do all the cooking in the household. It’s a bit of a role reversal, but it works well for both of our marriages. And although they aren’t directly involved in any of our DIY projects, we couldn’t accomplish what we do around the house or on the blog without their unwavering support.  While they don’t often participate in DIY projects, they certainly have opinions on home related matters and we always take them into consideration. At the end of the day we want to create a home that our husbands love too. Luckily, they trust us when it comes to the decor and we think they’re both pretty happy with how our homes have turned out!

What’s the best part of being a homeowner?

There are so many wonderful aspects of being a homeowner, but the best is being able to put your own personal touch on any aspect of the home because it’s yours! It’s also really fun to experiment in our homes. Since we’re both in our first homes and not our “forever homes” we’re trying to navigate and solidify our styles. To do that, we’re open to trying all kinds of projects and looks within our current homes. It’s great to be able to do that!

What are the biggest challenges you face as a homeowner?

Being a homeowner is like being an artist with a blank canvas. As much as we think personalizing this blank canvas is the best part of homeownership, we also think it can be one of the biggest challenges at the same time. Having the confidence to make decisions or step outside your comfort zone to try new things is not easy, especially when you know that you must live with these design decisions.

Your concept of homeownership as a journey is refreshing. Does this approach help you to get over the fear of failure that some homeowners are paralyzed with? How do you find the courage to tackle projects?

We confidently believe that homeownership is more of a journey and not a destination. Creating a home that reflects your style and your story takes time and accepting that the process of building your “home” as a journey will help give you the confidence, motivation and patience to buckle up and enjoy the ride! DIY-ing and decorating is not always easy and often times comes with a little (or sometimes a lot) of frustration, but the adventure of trying new things, learning new skills, and having some fun along the way makes all the hard work well worth it in the end. It’s that same sense of accomplishment and excitement that motivates us to try new projects, even if they seem intimidating.

What is your favorite tool, gadget, gizmo or power tool?

Hmmm… that’s a tough one! It’s hard to choose a favorite tool but if we had to choose just one we would probably say a power drill. Before getting into DIY projects, a power drill seemed pretty intimidating. But to our rookie DIYers out there, we promise it’s not nearly as scary as it seems! We love the power drill because it’s pretty easy to learn, yet can be used for DIY projects of all shapes and sizes.

What 3 words best describe your decorating/design style?

Bright.  Comfortable.  Collected.

Can you share some advice for homeowners on how to approach decorating?

Our two biggest pieces of advice when it comes to decorating would be to only decorate with items that you love and to make sure your space tells your story. As long as you are surrounded by items that inspire you, you will slowly create a home that you love and one you are proud to come home to.

What mistakes are most commonly made by homeowners?

To us, the most common mistakes made by homeowners involve decorating without purpose or intention and it’s one that we have definitely been guilty of! Far too often we see people buying furniture and home decor because they are trendy at the moment or because they need to check off that item on their to-do list. But these impulse purchases usually lead to design regret, which can rob a homeowner of loving their home and being excited to bring people into it. We encourage homeowners to take their time in making these decisions and purchase with purpose and intention so that everything they bring into their homes is something you will love now and well into the future.

What have you learned from producing your blog?

We have learned that you are capable of a lot more than you give yourself credit for and sometimes it just requires you to step outside that comfort zone in order to accomplish something you never thought you could. If someone would have told us before we started the blog that we would not only know how to work power tools, but also use them to tackle DIY projects all by ourselves, we would have NEVER believed them! But now we know that we can, all because we stepped way outside of our comfort zone to give it a try and we’re so grateful that we did because it has brought us so much joy and has provided us opportunities we never could have anticipated.

Where can people find you on-line?

We would love for you to join The DIY Playbook team by visiting and following along as we share tips, tricks and DIY

tutorials five days a week. We are also on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest @diyplaybook.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Pheasant Run Home Events, Workshops & Attractions - Old House New House Home Show

Live Broadcast with Lou

Saturday from 7-10 am

Enjoy a fun-filled live broadcast of the WGN Radio Mr. Fix-It show with Lou Manfredini on Saturday from 7-10 am. This entertaining, knowledge-packed program is sponsored by Perma-Seal. Following the broadcast, Lou Manfredini will meet and greet fans in the Perma-Seal Booth, #505 in the Mega Center, from 10:15-11:15 am.

Decorating Style School

Sunday at Noon
New this year, meet The DIY Playbook, the dynamic duo of Bridget Matkovich and Casey Finn, accomplished bloggers and style-savvy do-it-yourselfers.  Learn helpful decorating hints and handy how-to’s while discovering your own home style, on Sunday at noon.

Paint Color Forecast

Friday at 11 am
Dive into the Sherwin-Williams Colormix 2017 on Friday at 11 am with Annmarie Fabbi. From dramatic dark tones to smooth serene palettes to vibrant fiery combinations, this fascinating exploration into color trends is informative, idea-sparking and inspiring… a great foundation for decorating and design projects.

Beautiful Bathrooms

2 PM Daily
Join John Habermeier of Synergy Builders each day at 2 pm and discover design trends for creating beautiful bathrooms. Explore surface selection, learn space planning tips and map out successful strategies for envisioning, preparing and designing your ideal bath.

Design Your Dream Kitchen

1 PM Daily

Vineyard Chic’s Pamela Coslet will present this lovely kitchen design workshop at 1 pm daily. Discover new trends in kitchens, learn basic design strategies and enjoy energizing before and after kitchen makeover transformations with this talented local expert.

The Grand Prize

$1000 Gift Certificate Giveaway

Attendees can enter for a chance to win The Grand Prize, a $1000 gift certificate to utilize with the exhibitor of choice. No purchase is necessary. Contest rules are available: Contest Rules.


Workshops are included with admission.  Please note seating is limited.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


The Old House New House Home Show Returns with the Latest Trends in Home Improvement

Fresh ideas for updating, renovating and beautifying home surroundings will be in abundance at the 33rd annual Old House New House Home Show, February 10 – 11 – 12.  Since 1984, this one-of-a-kind event has been bringing together 300 award-winning contractors, talented designers, creative craftsmen and industry innovators with an audience of 10,000 area homeowners in a celebration of home renovation and transformation.  The largest and longest-running home show in Chicagoland returns to Pheasant Run Resort, 4051 E. Main Street in St. Charles with two large exhibit halls brimming and bustling with cutting-edge displays.  Explore the latest in kitchens, baths, basements, additions, architecture, new construction, landscaping, renewable energy, roofing, waterproofing, savvy storage, custom closets, insulation, fireplaces, window treatments, tile, heating and air, windows, doors, flooring and more.  Show hours are Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 5 pm.  Adult admission is $7.  Seniors (over 62) admission is $4.  Children under 18 attend free. Parking is free.  Daily design workshops are included with admission; seating is limited.  A portion of the ticket proceeds benefits The Habitat for Humanity of Northern Fox Valley and the ReStore Elgin.  For event details, including a printable admission coupon and an exhibitor list preview, visit or call 630/515-1160 for more details.

New This Year: Decorating Style School with The DIY Playbook The dynamic duo of Bridget Matkovich and Casey Finn, accomplished bloggers and die-hard do-it-yourselfers, will share their savvy skills in this engaging workshop on Sunday at noon.  Learn helpful decorating hints and handy how-to’s while discovering your own home style with these skilled presenters.

Paint Color Forecast with Sherwin-Williams  Join Annmarie Fabbi on Friday at 11 am and dive into the Colormix 2017 paint color forecast.  From dramatic dark tones to smooth serene palettes to vibrant fiery combinations, this fascinating exploration into color trends is informative, idea-sparking and inspiring… a great foundation for decorating and design projects in the new year.

Live Broadcast with WGN Radio’s Lou Manfredini  Enjoy a fun-filled live broadcast of the WGN Radio Mr. Fix-It show with Lou Manfredini on Saturday from 7-10 am.  This entertaining, knowledge-packed program is sponsored by Perma-Seal. Following the broadcast, Lou Manfredini will meet and greet fans in the Perma-Seal Booth, #505 in the Mega Center, from 10:15-11:15 am.

Beautiful Bathrooms Join John Habermeier of Synergy Builders each day at 2 pm and discover design trends for creating beautiful bathrooms. Explore surface selection, learn space planning tips and map out successful strategies for envisioning, preparing and designing your ideal bath.

Designing Your Dream Kitchen  Vineyard Chic’s Pamela Coslet will present this lovely kitchen design and remodeling workshop at 1 pm daily.  Discover new trends in kitchens, learn basic design strategies and enjoy energizing before and after kitchen makeover transformations with this talented local expert. 

The Grand Prize  Attendees can enter for a chance to win The Grand Prize, a $1000 gift certificate to utilize with the exhibitor of choice.  No purchase is necessary.  Contest rules are available on the event web site,

Revitalize, renovate and remodel home surroundings in style with help from the savvy specialists at The Old House New House Home Show.

About Kennedy Productions, Inc.
Since 1977, the Kennedy family has been producing, managing and hosting quality events, including The Old House New House Home Show.  This women-owned, family business consists of event founder, Joanne Kennedy, and her daughter, event producer, Laura McNamara.  Along with an outstanding team, the Kennedys research and select top-notch companies with cutting-edge products and superior services in order to provide a reliable resource and engaging, enjoyable events for homeowners.  For more details please visit