Monday, September 23, 2013

A Minute with Nicole Curtis

Drill Bits, Drive and Determination; a Glimpse at the Life of a Rehab Addict

She’s a fearless force of home restoration and renovation transformation.  Nicole Curtis, television personality on HGTV and the DIY Network, prides herself on rescuing older homes, preserving original details and restoring them to their former glory.  She shares a behind the scenes glimpse at her life as the “Rehab Addict” with Old House New House Home Show Manager, Laura McNamara.

What was your first project?  
I tackled a 1928 bungalow in Detroit… it took me 6 years to complete what would now take me 3 weeks to do.  Fifteen years of experience plus a bit more of a budget make a huge difference.  

How did you become the Rehab Addict?  Was it a slow roll out or more of a full on, jump in with two feet?  
There is no becoming the Rehab Addict.  The show was developed by me and I’m a producer.  This is my life --and I will still be  doing this long after the cameras go away. 

What do you look for in a Nicole Curtis pro-ject?  How can you tell if a house has good bones?  How have you learned to spot that potential for transformation that you are so great at creating?
I’ve worked hard to educate myself on not only the real estate market, but every part of the building process.  I do not rely on anyone else’s expertise --because guess what, there is not a house inspector in the land that will guarantee their report.  So, if I’m going to lean on anyone’s opinion, it’s going to be mine.  Any house can be saved -- for the right amount of money.

How do you prioritize projects on one of your homes?  Where do you start?  What comes first?  How do you decide?
Demolition is always all at once and first.  Ugly things first... pretty is always last and if there is budget left.

What advice can you share with homeowners thinking of DIY/fixer upper/weekend warrior projects? 
If it will kill you, hire someone.  Electrical service panel?  Hire it out.  Changing a light fixture?  Go at it!

How do you describe the Nicole Curtis style?
Classic and timeless.

You are so transparent on your program... a huge appeal for homeowners.  What happens when you run into something unexpected or challenging on a project?  What are your feelings when mistakes are made?
Mistakes will happen.  If you can’t handle stress -- this is not for you.  I’m not dying.  It’s all fixable.

Who inspires you?  Can you point to any influences that lead you into this very interesting and inspiring career?
Inspirational people come from all walks.  Never make the mistake that it takes only one kind. 

As a working Mom, how do you manage to keep all of the plates spinning?  
The plates drop every day -- I’m just good at gluing them back together.  My life is a mess 99% percent of the day, just like everyone else’s.  I just choose to not dwell on it and move forward.

Nicole Curtis is appearing at The Old House New House Home Show at Pheasant Run
Resort in St. Charles on Sunday, 9/29 from noon – 2 pm.  For more information, visit  Season 4 of Rehab Addict can be seen on HGTV and the
DIY Network.  See for additional information.

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