Thursday, January 30, 2014

Uncovering the Hidden Potential in Your Home

Not long ago, I went on a mission… more of a home improvement quest really, a search and rescue operation in my basement.  With the doors wide open venting fresh air, my heavy-duty gloves pulled on and an armload full of old rags, I went in search of some hidden beauty I knew existed within the walls of my own home.

This project unfolded following a nice conversation with a previous owner of our residence.  She mentioned that the basement walls originally had hand-painted murals around the perimeter walls, but with time, they had been painted over.

How exciting!  I love a good mystery, but with my limited skills, I had no clue where to start.  My detective work began and what better place to explore than The Old House New House Home Show?  I shared my discovery with long-standing participant, Maury Garvey, The Painting Craftsman.  He inspired my reconnaissance mission by explaining that the latex paint on the surface could be chemically removed, leaving the oil-based murals intact.  

I checked in with my handyman, whom I also initially connected with at The Old House New House Home Show.  He explained the products to use, where to find them and how to dispose of the fume-filled rags upon completion.  The pace is tedious, tragically slow even, but little by little I am finding a hidden treasure.

Now I know that not everyone is as enthused and enthralled as I am about unearthing secret hunting and sport-themed murals in their basements.  I’m not even sure that I’m going to like these murals once they’re uncovered.  After all, someone did decide to paint over them.  My point is that The Old House New House Home Show provides fertile ground for sparking ideas on how to uncover the hidden potential in any home.

With 300 award-winning contractors, creative craftsmen, select remodelers and leading brands participating, and new trends, cutting-edge styles and savvy solutions swirling about, you are bound to have an abundance of ideas on how to transform your living space.  Share ideas with the experts on hand.  Investigate options and brainstorm solutions with the experienced experts participating.  Dig in to the indispensible knowledge on hand.  Discover illuminating ideas and unfurl your own treasure map on how to make your living space more comfortable, cozy, flowing and functional.

Article submitted by Event Manager, Laura Kennedy McNamara, who is lovingly fixing up her west suburban older home one project at a time.

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